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Hello 2016.

Sunday, 3 January 2016
January, we meet again.
Today I moved back to my flat, armed with a surge of independence and a new record player (thanks, Harry!) It is usually this day when I feel motivated, as the first couple of days tend to be fairly clouded by sausage roll regret and confusion as to what day it is. But anyway, here we are. It's raining buckets outside, so I've decided to postpone exploring for a mug of steaming tea has my name on.

2015 was filled with mad, very adult changes for me, including voting for the first time, vising Universities and MOVING AWAY! I traveled to Morocco with my mother, and learnt that we can be anywhere in the world, but will always end up snuggled up with a book. I also went to Rome on a Philosophy trip, a lovely way to end my time at school. I will hold fond memories of hotel room giggles and sharing gooey pizzas with gooey hearts.

It was also the third year spent with my other half, which is insane. It's been the loveliest of times, so it's tough to be apart now. Does four hours count as long distance? Anyway, if he's reading, thankyou for being my best buddy and spending this life with me.

I’m not one for strict resolutions, but I do have a few thoughts about what I’d like the year to bring. Or rather, what I will make of it. For a start, I’d like to donate more, I’ve been fairly consistent with taking bin bags of clothes to the charity shops but there are always other methods of of giving. Earlier in 2015 I gave blood for the first time, despite being terrified of needles and filling out important forms. But it really wasn’t so bad; in fact it brought a sense of pride and worth. So I’d like to do so again, as what are simply a few minutes of discomfort for me, result in the safety and ultimately life of someone else.

With all that deep stuff over with, I’d also like to focus on this blog, specifically the foodie aspect. Be it food hauls or ‘What I Eat In A Day’ posts, I am determined to feed some creativity into my life (if you pardon the pun). I’ve been watching lots of food related YouTube videos and blog posts and have felt very inspired to share things which make me happy.

I also plan on indulging on skincare, yes I am only 18. No, I am not worried about wrinkles, I just adore the process of self-love. There is just something magical about massaging balms and concoctions into my face each morning and night. Obviously skincare products bring many benefits, all of which fascinate me, but ultimately, I'm in it for the relaxation properties. This year I plan in investing a little more, because life is too short. I don't buy makeup, nor do I go out drinking much, so this is my guilty pleasure. 
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