We all know that Shrove Tuesday is officially the day of love (just me?), but we'll make an exception this year. Whether you're actively avoiding or embracing Galentine's and Palentine's with open arms, here are some of my favourites to watch and read which celebrate all forms of love. I've also included some people to follow on social media who always cheer me up.
- One Day. Because it's the one day of the year we're encouraged to sob into ice cream. This is heartbreaking, and addictively so.
- About Time. This will change how you approach every single day of your life. Or it might, anyway. It's got a strong emphasis on family and choices, and manages to jump from comedy to tragedy in moments.
- The Time Traveler's Wife. This is about the unpredictable life of a couple whose relationship is affected by the husband's sudden time travelling. It's different, moving and memorable.
- Becoming. I'm a huge fan of Laura Jane Williams, and this is her memoir about becoming celibate, living in an Italian convent for six months and recreating her life post-break up. If you're needing some Eat, Pray, Love, this is a good place to start.
- This Modern Love. A gorgeous coffee table number that is perfect for self-gifting. This is a collection of letters, stories and photographs sharing love at their beginnings, middles and endings. With sassy exes, seductions and simple confessions, there's something in this which will hit a nerve with all readers.
- The Last Act of Love. Another non-fiction suggestion, Cathy’s brother Matty was in a car accident in 1990 which left him in a permanent vegetative state. Her story is about making the hard decision to let him go, and it’s one which stayed with me for years. Prepare yourself, it’s an emotional read which will have you fiercely texting your siblings at 2am...

- The Slumflower A.K.A Chidera Eggarue. My go-to for her no-nonsense approach to relationships and self care. Her book 'What A Time To Be Alone' is out now. She's funny, eloquent and dares to confront what most avoid talking about.
- Leena Norms. Book-loving, social change promoting, brilliant human. Find her on Twitter and Youtube.
- Matt Haig. Matt's posts brighten my Twitter feed, and he writes incredible books too.
- Jessica Dore. Jessica shares therapeutic tarot readings with scientific interpretations. I didn't think this would be my thing, but her Instagram and Twitter posts resonate with me, and are practical rather than unreliable and mystical. Check 'em out.
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