So it's been a ridiculously long time since I've published a post on here, mainly due to having several other projects on the go. But I miss it, so here we are. I hope you've all had a wonderful Summer break! In a few weeks I start my final year of University, so I'm hoping to use this as a platform to document the experience and to create memories to look back on, as well as to get back in the swing of things writing-wise.
Over the past year I've travelled to Croatia and Spain and reunited with cousins, kept a daily journal, tried to 'work' on my mental health more, discovered podcasts which fill me with joy, humour and motivation - The Guilty Feminist, Made of Human, Banging Book Club & more... I've started learning to drive, created a new food account on Instagram to remind myself to regularly try making new things, I've tried Hot Yoga, written the first 7,000 words of my dissertation, cut my hair, missed my long hair (you know the drill), and so so much more.
I know that I might regret defining myself mainly as my role as a student, but I love the structure and the anticipation September brings. I know that the deadlines, the IKEA hauls and the excitement of moving in day will soon be a distant blur, so I'm trying to relish in it all, to note down every memory and to not take things too seriously. I struggled a lot in first year, and since then it's flown by, and I feel the inevitable weight of post-graduate life impending already.
For anyone about to start their first year, whether it be in a new job or a degree, I would recommend diving in head first, and that's coming from someone who feels anxious about the silliest things most of the time! As cliche as it may be, time is too short to worry and regret, so try the clubs, spend too much on alcohol (or Lidl's Christmas snack collection if you're like me), it's all part of the learning experience.
This blog will continue to be a space for all sorts of posts, potentially some creative work, and will offer some kind of respite from final projects and academic writing. I'm even considering a Julie vs Julia challenge soon...
Here's to Autumn.
So it's been a ridiculously long time since I've published a post on here, mainly due to having several other projects on the go. But I miss it, so here we are. I hope you've all had a wonderful Summer break! In a few weeks I start my final year of University, so I'm hoping to use this as a platform to document the experience and to create memories to look back on, as well as to get back in the swing of things writing-wise.
Over the past year I've travelled to Croatia and Spain and reunited with cousins, kept a daily journal, tried to 'work' on my mental health more, discovered podcasts which fill me with joy, humour and motivation - The Guilty Feminist, Made of Human, Banging Book Club & more... I've started learning to drive, created a new food account on Instagram to remind myself to regularly try making new things, I've tried Hot Yoga, written the first 7,000 words of my dissertation, cut my hair, missed my long hair (you know the drill), and so so much more.
I know that I might regret defining myself mainly as my role as a student, but I love the structure and the anticipation September brings. I know that the deadlines, the IKEA hauls and the excitement of moving in day will soon be a distant blur, so I'm trying to relish in it all, to note down every memory and to not take things too seriously. I struggled a lot in first year, and since then it's flown by, and I feel the inevitable weight of post-graduate life impending already.
For anyone about to start their first year, whether it be in a new job or a degree, I would recommend diving in head first, and that's coming from someone who feels anxious about the silliest things most of the time! As cliche as it may be, time is too short to worry and regret, so try the clubs, spend too much on alcohol (or Lidl's Christmas snack collection if you're like me), it's all part of the learning experience.
This blog will continue to be a space for all sorts of posts, potentially some creative work, and will offer some kind of respite from final projects and academic writing. I'm even considering a Julie vs Julia challenge soon...
Here's to Autumn.